Welcome to Ms. Iannone's Biology blog!

We will be blogging from our Biology 11 class about the biological world that we encounter in the field and in our lab.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Biology Students, you are amazing.

I think by "boss" they meant "teacher"... but I think you guys are amazing and I'm so glad to have been able to teach you this semester!  Thank you so much!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rat Dissection

 This will be your final project!  Do a Fantastic job to show everyone what you learned this semester!
               -write a brief positive couple paragraphs outlining the purpose and goals of this dissection. Include a discussion of how this lab helps us to understand the biological world and how it relates to what we are learning in class (tell me some facts you learned in class which relate to the rat we dissected and that compare it to other body forms in the Phylum). Include a positive personal response.  Don't forget to refer to your blog rubric so that you're posting a top-notch post!
   -take a photo or video for each of the questions outlined in your dissection guide and answer the question with a brief (1-2 sentence) full sentence explanation as the caption.
   -Post these in your blog.